That's all I ever do. Oh well, I shouldn't be complaining. Here is what I have purchased lately.
The John Lennon poster :)
Shoes from Steve and Barry's $8.98

Top and Pants from tarjay
Top Go Designer on sale for 6.24 Pants Converse One Star on sale for 6.24. Don't eat me for buying pants in the middle of June. I am volunteering at the hospital and appereantly we had to wear khaki pants, but grey pants would be acceptable. I had none of the above, so these pants were it.

Top from H&M $15.00 Skirt Go Designer for Target $8.24 This and the outfit below are for when I go to NYC, and need to be "fancy".

Dress H&M $29.90 I am in love with it!!!!!!!

Speaking of H&M, does anyone ever pick up their free magazine?? I mean, its not the best, but a free fashion magazine....HECK YES I'LL TAKE IT!