I woke up at 5 a.m. today to participate in a hugely commercial event that was filled with extremely preppy girls. And it felt good! No, of course I am not talking about the new opening of Hollercrombie or whatever, but I am talking about The mall. At six a.m. On black Friday. Yes, it was a bit ridiculous, but I adored about every second of it. Anddddd I got some extremely good deals. YUM!
First, I went to Forever 21, which is one of my many favorite stores. The scene was the usual sale absurdity, including cardboard boxes overflowing with clothes. All clearence was buy one get one, so it was totally worth it. I got this top, which I bought with my cousin's items (she had an odd number!), and I ended up spending $2.50.

It actually reminds me of sherbert, but I have no clue what to wear it with to make it wintry. I guess a cardigan, but who knows what else.
Then we went to Delia*s (yay!) and I got some cuuuute stuff!

I adore the Smiths, Morrisey makes me want to swoooooon! This top was $5.74.

I have been awaiting this bag's sale for ages. It paid off, as it was only $3.99!
The last stop we made was at Charlotte Russe, where I bought a Luellaesk skirt for $2.50!! Everything was 25% off, and this was already on sale (to the extreme!).

Now I must go to the gym to work off all of my Thanksgiving flab so I can fit into these clothes!!