March 17, 2008

Shame, shame, shame!

Ok, I admit, I have been a HORRIBLE blogger for the past few weeks. Soccer decided to eat up my time, so I sadly could not post for a while. I is horrible! Ok I will stop ranting about how BAD I am and talk about the good things.

1. Easter break is only 2 short days away! You know what that means....SALES!

2. I got new glasses, and realized that they are Valentino! tres chic!

3. Not much more exciting things going on in my fashion world...

Daily favs:

Then I Met You
by The Proclaimers

Nylon Magazine

1 comment:

Riot Nrrd said...

Hiii, I just found your blog...
Squishybubble! Squishy! Squishy!! Squishy!!!